How to Keep Your Nursery or Toddler's Room Organized
Last year I shared a little peek into our then nursery which was about to have another little boy added to the mix. With two under two last year, we had to carve out space for two cribs and a little more baby gear to accommodate two littles at different ages and stages. We are almost a full year into the room sharing experience and I wanted to provide an update on our arrangement and how I stay organized.
Reading is big part of our nighttime routine for both boys and over the last few months I've noticed the books were becoming a problem. They littered the floor and were quite honestly becoming a slipping hazard. The pile of books was starting to stack-up and it was getting to the point where we couldn't find some of our favorites. This is when I decided to move the books to the wall to free up space by using these inexpensive, but perfect, picture ledges from Ikea. Picking out books, and putting them back on display, is so easy now and I love how it looks in their room.
They seem to multiple and when you have two or more kids it can sometimes feel completely overwhelming to keep up with staying organized. I find the only way to keep up is to edit, purge and for the limited toys that we do have, it is important they have a home. Keeping our house clutter free and storing toys in cabinets, bins and baskets has really helped. This Ikea bookshelf, we actually own two, with the baskets has is such a great storage solution. It hides all the clutter and makes for easy and quick clean-ups. Because the lighting isn't great in the boys room, here is a super cute example from The Sweetest Occassion. You can also check out Making Home Base to see an additional example of how she was able to create a playroom space in her living room with a similar bookshelf that blends perfectly with the rest of the living room.
Photos by Alice G. Patterson
We have a shared dresser for the boys and it's where I keep all of the everyday essentials. There are three drawers with the top one being shared, the middle drawer is for my toddler son and the bottom one for the baby. Diapers, PJ's and socks are stored on the top and then our daily go-to clothes are folded while the remaining items are hung in their closet and sorted by age. Matching hangers and the sorting by size using these tags help the closet to look organized and uniform. I also store sheets, blankets and items like an extra car set cover and sleep sacks in the closet. Because we do laundry almost every other day, it limits the amount of extra linens and clothes that we need because we are constantly cycling through clothes. I have perfected the art of editing their clothes and linens.
Staying organized even with one kid can feel like a constant struggle and once you add more to the mix the work seems to multiple. A few other resources you might find helpful as you try to stay organized without feeling like you need to comprise on style.
All of my favorite kids room decor that includes pretty, yet functional storage ideas.
The art of toy rotation (I live by this!).
Stylish Ways to Hide Toy Clutter
Round-up of the best toy storage.