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Closet Purge Guide

If you follow me on Instagram {@amodestlife} a few weeks back I actually went through the pretty aggressive, but much needed, process of a major closet purge. I talked a little bit about how having a limited wardrobe while pregnant was refreshing because I had very few options, yet all the basics, making it easy to mix and match. It reduced my time to get ready, kept laundry at a minimum and made life feel a little simpler. I'm working hard to get back to that place and as a first step I decided to tackle my closet. A few things that I learned through this process: 

  • If you really want to purge, you need to first take EVERY single thing out of your closet. I'm talking shoes, bags, belts, scarves and jackets. Once out, sort everything into piles and group everything together {e.g. black tops, denim, belts, sweaters, etc.}
  • Once sorted, and this is where the work and decision making comes into place, you should start to sort by the following: keep, donate or consign. For the consign option, make sure the item is really worth consigning. If you like it, it doesnt necessarily mean it's "on trend" and in great condition. Before you decide to keep something, try it on. Make sure it still fits and that you like it on. Too often I've kept something because I liked it only to later realize it never fit right. I bought it because "one day I'll be that size" or rather, one day I'll have  an event for function to wear it to. If you decide to keep something make sure it's something that truly fits your lifestyle and fits well. And, if you havent worn it in the last year think about why and make sure that it really deserves real estate in your closet. 
  • Once everything is sorted, then start to place your keep items back in the closet. A few tips before you do; 
    • Seasonality: Make sure that you have easy access to clothes that are appropriate for the season. If you dont have the luxury of space, then try to find a way to section off your closet by season. Your sweaters should not be front and center if it's summer and you shouldnt have to dig around for sweaters in the winter. It might require a little bit of work, but trust me it will make it much easier to get dressed. 
    • Clothes Placement: Group similar pieces together {e.g. tops, denim, skirts, etc.} and within each group make sure to keep pieces together by color. It makes reaching for a black top or your white denim a lot easier if all placed together. 
    • Hangers: Get rid of the dry-cleaning hangers {all of them}. Invest in hangers that match. My go-to hangers are thin, non-slip and visually help to make your closet look more organized. 
    • Organize your closet in a way that makes sense. You won't wear or reach for what you can't see, so try to organize your closet in a way that allows for easy access to everything. 

Now that you've sorted and reorganized your closet it's time to donate and consign.  I'm so limited on time these days that I use Thredup. It's easy and eliminates the need to make an appointment and having to follow-up for payment. A few consigning tips: 

  • Make sure the item is in good condition {zippers work, no holes or tears and shoes have minimal scuff marks and wear and tear}
  • Take the season into account and try to send in items that are on-trend and in style. It will help increase the likelihood of your items being sold.

As for donating, research local non-profits and pick a drop-off/organization based on preference. The key is to just get the stuff out of the house. Bag up what your donating immediately because if you don't then you will likely change your mind.

This is the first step of building a more intentional wardrobe and I look forward to sharing more about my journey to less is more. In the meantime, here are a few things that will help you get organized, which includes a few of my favorite closet staples below. 

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