My Goals for 2018
We are well into the new year and I'm finally getting around to sharing my 2018 goals. I took my time coming up with this list because in years past I simply havent invested as much time into thinking about the changes I want to implement. However, things are different this year and I'm trying to be more intentional in very aspect of my life. As it relates to my "8 in 2018", my approach was to focus on attainable goals with substance or that tie to something bigger.
For this year, there are so many things that I would love to focus on, but I also don't want to set myself up for failure and look back and feel bad about falling short. As I think about 2017 I had a few goals, but nothing really concrete. I also didn't give them much thought. However 2018 is different. It's different because I realized last year wasn't about me on many levels, and that's OK. I am in no way complaining, but I kicked off the year very pregnant, I had two babies under two and I simply let myself go - physically, emotionally and mentally. Between managing the kids, and working full-time outside of the home ( I add this because staying home is HARD work and I give all of you stay-at-home moms props), I realized that I didn't do much for myself. I resolve to change that this year and my goals are really aimed at feeling better, healthier, happier and more content in 2018!
Investing In My Friendships
I didn't see much of my friends last year and that makes me sad. Candidly, we are all in the weeds and so busy managing the day-to-day, kids, family, work and life in general, that we all seem to have little time for each other these days. But, I miss them and I'm going to try so hard to connect with friends everyday. I think there are little ways I can carve out time and I want to make more of an effort. I plan on scheduling FaceTime wine dates, making a quick call to say hello as I drive to daycare for pick-up, popping a card in the mail or simply just making the time and getting a sitter so that I can have a couple of hours to myself. Even though I would love to see my friends more frequently, I've accepted the fact that I may need to connect with them in others ways. I'm willing to make the effort because I'm tired of always saying I'm so busy. I've realized I have time, I just need to reprioritize it and focus on what's important to me. I don't ever want to look back on this season of life and regret not making more of effort and investing in the important relationships in my life.
Enjoy the Little Moments More
I simply want to slow down and enjoy my children more. Trust me, I cherish them. Every stage is new and exciting and sandwiched between tough moments. When your in the thick of it, exhausted because of sleep regressions, a sick kiddo or just simply losing patience because a toddler really knows how to test you (who knew pants and serving breakfast in the wrong bowl were grounds for an epic meltdown) it's easy to lose sight of how precious these moments are and how grateful I am. Regardless of all the new milestones, it's really easy to take this mini moments for granted. And, even though I feel like laundry and chores are neverending, my heart is so full. Some days. really most days, I'm in a complete fog, but they are growing and changing so quickly and I want to make more of an effort to enjoy every single second I have with my little ones. Overall, I want to be more present with my children and give them all the attention they need and deserve.
Lose The Baby Weight
I'm still carrying an extra 12 lbs post baby. Yup, I said it. I had a few extra pounds that I never lost following babe numero uno and guess what, I doubled that number with baby number two, I guess that's what happens when you find out your pregnant with baby number two with a 10 month old on your hip. So, while working out everyday and committing to eating super healthy seem like the appropriate ways to solve for this, I'm not crazy and I realize that my life right now is super unpredictable and hectic at times. Instead, I'm committing to working out at least 4x per week and trying to make better decisions for breakfast and lunch (my weakness meals). I realize these minor tweaks may not get me into ridiculous shape, but I'm certain I'll be able to shed some of the extra weight with these small changes. I also want to start running more. Running has always been my outlet. My time to think, clear my head and my way to relax and recharge. The weather coupled with two small kids has really made it hard for me to even carve out the time, but I want to find a way to get in a few more runs and workouts every week and get back on the race circuit.
Create a Capsule Wardrobe
Image Source Unknown (if you recognize it, let me know and I will credit back)
I'm so tired of looking at my closet and feeling like I have NOTHING to wear even though it's overflowing. I attribute this all to the fact that I need to make smarter purchases. Period. I should only by items that I know I'll wear, serve a purpose and function in my right now - aka #momlife! I hope to share more about this later, but for now I'll leave you with my advice on how to approach a closet purge since I'm currently in the process of another purge and it feels so GOOD.
Learn a New Skill
I love taking pictures. Especially of the boys, friends and family and I really want to get better. I'm committed to taking an online class or watching more Youtube videos to learn how to use a new feature on my camera or master a new skill or style. This is a goal that really excites me because I'm looking forward to snapping so many photos of the boys in 2018!
More Date Nights
More date nights! We hardly ever went out as a couple this year. Partly because of the ages and stages of our littles, but mostly because we were too busy, and tired, to even think about stepping out. We need more time away to be us and I look forward to carving out more alone time this year even if that means a device free at-home movie night - we deserve it!
Self-Care & My Skin
My next goal is all about self-care and treating my body better. This is really all encompassing because it includes my physical, mental and emotional health. I read this article and immediately felt like Anna wrote this for me . As superficial as it may sound, I spent zero time indulging in the little things that make me happy like a manicure, going for a run or taking the time to care for my skin. I also think I need to make sure my well is full. If I'm running on empty, then I will have nothing to give to my family. It might seem silly, but the occasional facial, manicure or splurging on a workout class here and there can do wonders for the soul. Whatever it is, even if that means finding time for a walk or doing nothing at all, I'm making self-care a priority. I can't wait to tackle and track my efforts using this guide.
Feed My Creativity
Image via Camille Styles
This may seem random, but if you know me well then this won't come as a surprise. I love taking pictures, interior design, styling and the list goes on. I have so many passions, but lately I've noticed that I've settled into "mom mode", which means little time has been invested into the side projects where I can flex my creative muscles. I'm not certaoin how this goal will manifest itself, but I have a few ideas that I want to pursue in the short-term and I'm excited about where it may lead.